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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
animator Willis Pyle Gerald McBoing Boing
Gerald McBoing-Boing is an animated short film produced by United Productions of America (UPA) and given wide release by Columbia Pictures on January 25, 1951. The winner of the 1950 Academy Award for Best Animated Short, Gerald McBoing-Boing is the story of a little boy who speaks through sound effects instead of spoken words.
Gerald McBoing-Boing Directed by Bobe Cannon. Created by Theador "Dr. Seuss" Geisel.
It was adapted by Phil Eastman and Bill Scott from a story by Dr. Seuss, directed by Robert Cannon, and produced by John Hubley. In 1994, it was voted 9 of The 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field. In 1995, it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Animation by :
Rudy Larriva
Pat Matthews
Bill Meléndez
Frank Smith
Bill Hurtz (layout)
R.O. Blechman CBS Christmas Message (1966)
Can you believe that there once was a time when network television aired classy holiday interstitials like this ?
Designed by R.O. Blechman and animated by Willis Pyle. Beautiful , hand-drawn pen & ink drawings. Music arranged by Arnie Black.
Dr. Seuss's story had originally appeared on a children's record in 1950, scored by Gail Kubik, issued by Capitol Records, and read by radio personality Harold Peary.
This film was the first successful theatrical cartoon produced by UPA, after their initial experiments with a short series of cartoons featuring Columbia Pictures stalwarts The Fox and the Crow. It was an artistic attempt to break away from the strict realism in animation that had been developed and perfected by Walt Disney. While Disney's animation methods produced lush and awe-inspiring images, it was felt that realism in the medium of animation was a limiting factor. Cartoons did not have to obey the rules of the real world (as the short films of Tex Avery and their cartoon physics proved), and so UPA experimented with a non-realistic style that depicted caricatures rather than lifelike representations.
This was a major step in the development of limited animation—though despite the abuse of the form that would arise in the future because of cost-cutting, Gerald McBoing-Boing was meant as an artistic exercise rather than merely a way of producing cheap cartoons.
UPA produced three follow-up McBoing-Boing shorts: Gerald McBoing-Boing's Symphony (1953), How Now Boing Boing (1954), and Gerald McBoing-Boing on the Planet Moo (1956), an Academy Award nominee. The second and third films maintained the Dr. Seuss-style rhyming narration, but were not based on his work. The final film abandoned this approach.
All four Gerald McBoing-Boing shorts were released in 1980 on home video under the title Columbia Pictures Presents Cartoon Adventures Starring Gerald McBoing Boing. The shorts looked far from their best, especially "On Planet Moo", which was squeezed to fit the CinemaScope frame to standard TV screen size. It was reissued in 1987 as part of RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video's "Magic Window" series of children's videotapes and fell out of print in 1995.
The first short was included as a special feature on Sony's 2001 DVD release of The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T, and a few were included in the special features of the two-disc special edition of the DVD Hellboy (released July 27, 2004), as the cartoon can be seen playing on TV monitors in the background in several scenes. In January 2006, Sony reissued the four shorts on DVD, featuring cleaned-up prints and all presented in their original aspect ratio.
A revised reprint of the 1952 book adaptation of Gerald McBoing-Boing appeared in 2000.
McBoing-Boing is also featured as Tiny Tim in the 1962 NBC Television Special Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol, a rare speaking part for the character. On the 2001 DVD release, an animated short was included that features Mr. Magoo babysitting for McBoing-Boing.
In 1956, CBS created a half-hour Gerald McBoing-Boing Show, with well-known radio announcer Bill Goodwin narrating. Broadcast at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings, it was a showcase for UPA's cartoons, including Dusty of the Circus, the Twirlinger Twins, and Punch and Judy. The program proved too expensive to continue and lasted only three months.
The episodes were repeated on Friday nights in the summer of 1957. Thus, The Gerald McBoing-Boing Show apparently became the first cartoon series broadcast regularly during prime time, preceding The Flintstones by two seasons.
The "actor" Gerald McBoing-Boing, as opposed to the "character", also appeared in the 1962 TV special Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, playing the part of Tiny Tim. As Tiny Tim, he sang and spoke in a normal, child-like voice. Later, during curtain calls, he still uses the normal voice, showing that it is the "character" of Gerald that "speaks in boings and whistles", not the "real" boy.
There is also a Mr Magoo short in the bonus features of the Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol dvd that features Gerald McBoing-Boing being babysat by the clumsy Magoo. The short is titled "Magoo Meets McBoing-Boing".
A series based on the original cartoon started airing on Cartoon Network (United States) on August 22, 2005, as part of their Tickle-U programming block, and aired on Teletoon/Télétoon (Canada) on August 29, 2005. Each eleven-minute episode features a series of vignettes with Gerald, of which the "fantasy tales" are done in Seussian rhyme. There are also sound checks, gags, and "real-life" portions of the show.
Gerald still only makes sounds, but now has two speaking friends, Janine and Jacob, as well as a dog named Burp, who only burps. Gerald's parents (names unknown) complete the regular cast. The series was produced in Canada by Cookie Jar Entertainment, and directed by Robin Budd and story edited/written by John Derevlany. The animation was done by Mercury Filmworks in Ottawa. info (c) wikipedia
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
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2009 June 21 in United States is father’s day 2009 holiday
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
toy store of mr magorium's wonder emporium movie review
One of the best Dustin Hoffman roles it is movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, 2007 . That was written by Zach Helm.
The excentric owner of a magic toy shop of Mr. Edward Magorium, is going to depart from affairs on a state of health — his 243rd birthday all the same has knocked. Mr. Magorium is 114 years of management of shop has managed to transform it into the most magic and colourful place on the earth where the children's laughter was always audible.
He decides to entrust the unusually enterprise to employee-manager Molly Mahoney. She is the 25-year-old girl. And though her life is full of pleasure and surprises, the girl suffers from depression. As a result of its dejectedness of soul leads to that is no time noisy and brisk shop turns to the grey and sad place which is on the verge of closing …but this history only begins!
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Trailer. Movie Trailer
Mr Magorium's wonder emporium movie Cast:
Dustin Hoffman a- Mr. Edward Magorium- toy impresario and wonder
Natalie Portman a- Molly Mahoney - toy Store Manager
Jason Bateman - Henry Mutant Weston and Accountant
Zach Mills - Eric Applebaum and Hat Collector
Ted Ludzik - Bellini and Bookbuilder
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
april fools day april fools jokes Andrew Carlssin

The Federal inspectors of New York have arrested the mysterious virtuoso with SEC who admitted that he is Andrew Carlssin who lives in the future. As he said, it has arrived from 2256, and to it are known not only nuances of fluctuations of the share market, but also the recipe of a medicine for AIDS and co-ordinate of a refuge of Laden. The edition, however, has not informed that it - only an old joke of the western mass-media which they here repeat which year on the threshold of day of fools on April, 1st and on which here which year the trustful peck. According to the message, somebody Andrew Carlssin, originally having enclosed 700 dollars, in two weeks had the portfolio of papers estimated in 300 million of dollars. It has appeared in sight sentry when has made successively 126 transactions, and each time it it appeared in a huge prize. On interrogation the strange investor has given out stunning recognition. As he said, it come back in time from the future, past more than for 240 years from our epoch. Knowledge that your era was marked by the worst in the history falling of the share market. Therefore everyone, having armed with the information under the selected actions, can make on it a fortune. It is difficult to temptation to resist. I planned to look natural, however have not resisted and have got, - he ostensibly confirms. According to representative SEC, a unique way with which help Andrew Carlssin could so precisely and successfully to trade - the illegal internal information. Andrew Carlssin has made to inspectors such proposal. It gives historic facts about Laden's place and a medicine for AIDS. In an exchange receives freedom and possibility to reach the time machine to come back home. Officials from the Commission on securities of the USA and Central Intelligence Agency are assured that all stories the traveller in time - mystification, is told in article. However on the condition of anonymity the high-ranking official has told that any data on Andrew Carlssin's existence up to last time it is not revealed. Meanwhile Andrew Carlssin has appeared character so known thanks to mass-media that to it even have devoted article on Wiki. There it is told that this invented hero has appeared for the first time in edition Weekly World News specialising on such draws. Then the text has been published on Yahoo. In the original the history of Andrew Carlssin intended by April, 1st, 2000.
Friday, January 30, 2009
the tao of pooh by benjamin hoff book pooh and The Te of Piglet
Julia Robert the tao of pooh by benjamin hoff summary
The Tao of Pooh is a book written by Benjamin Hoff. The book is an introduction to Taoism, using the fictional character of Winnie the Pooh. Hoff also wrote The Te of Piglet, a companion book.
Hoff uses Winnie the Pooh and the other characters from A. A. Milne's stories to explain the basic principles of philosophical Taoism. Winnie the Pooh, for example, represents the principles of Wu Wei, or Wei Wu Wei. The book also includes translated excerpts from various Taoist texts, from authors such as Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi.
The book was on the New York Times bestseller list for 49 weeks and is used as required reading in some college courses. However, Stephen Mitchell, an author and Taoist scholar, criticizes the book for having little to do with Taoism yet believes it may be of value to "people who aren't ready for Lao-tzu". It has also been criticized for its bias against other religions and thoughts.
Hoff wrote the book at night and on weekends while working as a tree pruner in the Portland Japanese Garden in Washington Park.
info (c)
Julia Roberts The Arsenio Hall Show August 9 1990
Julia Roberts talks to Arsenio Hall about the movie "Flatliners", the book "The Tao of Pooh", her first date and her first job.
Benjamin Hoff book pooh and The Te of Piglet
Ten years after his 1982 work The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff was pressed to write a follow up of his Western inquiry into Taoism. He did this by writing The Te of Piglet, published in 1992. It is still in print, with a paperback edition issued by Penguin USA in 1993.
Hoff explicitly states that this second book is not a sequel to his first book, but rather a companion. The book is based around two topics, the concept of Te, the Chinese word meaning 'power' or 'virtue' and Piglet, of the Winnie the Pooh books.
In his first book, he brought out the essential tenets and perspectives of Taoism, in terms accessible to Westerners. In his second book, he elucidates the Taoist concept of 'Virtue — of the small'; though, he also uses it as an opportunity to elaborate on his introduction to Taoism. It is written with many embedded stories from the A. A. Milne Winnie the Pooh books, both for entertainment and because they serve as tools for explaining Taoism.
Winnie the pooh-fandub me as Christopher, Piglet and Pooh
In The Te of Piglet, Piglet is shown to possess great power — a common interpretation of the word Te, which more commonly means Virtue — not only because he is small, but also because he has a great heart or, to use a Taoist term, Tz'u. The book goes through the other characters — Tigger, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore, and Pooh — to show the various aspects of humanity that Taoism says gets in the way of living in harmony with the Tao. info (c)
The Te of Piglet
Of all the Winnie the Pooh characters, Piglet is the only one that transforms over the course of the story. He becomes courageous!