Best april fools jokes day Andrew Carlssin.

The Federal inspectors of New York have arrested the mysterious virtuoso with SEC who admitted that he is Andrew Carlssin who lives in the future. As he said, it has arrived from 2256, and to it are known not only nuances of fluctuations of the share market, but also the recipe of a medicine for AIDS and co-ordinate of a refuge of Laden. The edition, however, has not informed that it - only an old joke of the western mass-media which they here repeat which year on the threshold of day of fools on April, 1st and on which here which year the trustful peck. According to the message, somebody Andrew Carlssin, originally having enclosed 700 dollars, in two weeks had the portfolio of papers estimated in 300 million of dollars. It has appeared in sight sentry when has made successively 126 transactions, and each time it it appeared in a huge prize. On interrogation the strange investor has given out stunning recognition. As he said, it come back in time from the future, past more than for 240 years from our epoch. Knowledge that your era was marked by the worst in the history falling of the share market. Therefore everyone, having armed with the information under the selected actions, can make on it a fortune. It is difficult to temptation to resist. I planned to look natural, however have not resisted and have got, - he ostensibly confirms. According to representative SEC, a unique way with which help Andrew Carlssin could so precisely and successfully to trade - the illegal internal information. Andrew Carlssin has made to inspectors such proposal. It gives historic facts about Laden's place and a medicine for AIDS. In an exchange receives freedom and possibility to reach the time machine to come back home. Officials from the Commission on securities of the USA and Central Intelligence Agency are assured that all stories the traveller in time - mystification, is told in article. However on the condition of anonymity the high-ranking official has told that any data on Andrew Carlssin's existence up to last time it is not revealed. Meanwhile Andrew Carlssin has appeared character so known thanks to mass-media that to it even have devoted article on Wiki. There it is told that this invented hero has appeared for the first time in edition Weekly World News specialising on such draws. Then the text has been published on Yahoo. In the original the history of Andrew Carlssin intended by April, 1st, 2000.